Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Buckeyes... ah buckeyes. How I love thee.

And I have passed my love for you down to my mini-me.

I did a quick search and ended up using this buckeye recipe.

We enjoyed rolling the peanut butter mix

And eating the balls that were just a little too small :)

We also thoroughly enjoyed dipping them in the chocolate but it was a little too chaotic to take pics.

This recipe, in spite of our constant nibbling, made a million buckeyes. Good thing because we wanted to give some to our neighbors and still have plenty for ourselves.

As I write this, we have yet to catch our neighbors home while we're all together (including Derek) to drop off their little gifts. Good thing buckeyes last a good long time!

This is one of the traditions we are implementing... giving baked goods to the neighbors. We've done it in the past so I guess it's already a tradition. We're just making it more of an outreach effort. (We did give some to neighbors that are close, godly friends, too. Just because we love them!)

What are some ways you are reaching out to your neighbors this time of year? Please share in the comments! I'd love to highlight some of your great ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Yep! I was just going over what food I was going to bake for our neighbors and cards with invites to our Christmas services! :)


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